Thursday, December 13, 2012

Floating wall detail

We specifically wanted a gallery style wall construction for our house. This floating wall is unique because it doesn't use any trim at the bottom of the wall where it meets the floor. This is to create a more minimal look as well as making it easier to repaint.

Our architect warned us that this look would make it difficult to vacuum as we would not have any trim to protect the sheetrock from bumps.

Luckily Sugimoto was very clever at coming up with a solution which would give us the look we wanted.
We've now seen the work that goes into producing this type of wall and it's very interesting and quite complicated.

First, the flooring is installed inside of the wall so there is a solid and level platform to build upon. Then, thin strips of wood are put inside of the wall and long thin strips of white painted trim are attached to this. Finally, on top of that is another strip of wood which the sheetrock will be installed above.
Sorry, it sounds complicated and it is!
Here are some pictures to help with the description...

Sugimoto and the carpenter explain to us the pieces that will comprise the construction of the lower portion of the floating wall.
These are the strips of painted wood which run around the base of the wall.
The carpenter shows us what the wall will look like once the sheetrock is in place.
Here are some detail views of how it's done prior to the final stage of the sheetrock going up.
This is a good view of the downstairs flooring with three of the four pieces in place.

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